Guidelines For Undergraduate And Postgraduate Research

  • The student must be registered at a recognized University in an undergraduate or postgraduate program at the time of submission of the research
  • An official college transcript and one letter of recommendation from your college supervisor addressed to:

Clinical Research Administrator

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre

7 – A, Block R – 3, Muhammad Ali Johar Town, Lahore

Tel: +92 (0)42 35905000 Ext. 4280/4286

Fax: +92 (0)42 35945209

E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]

  • Completion of an online submission form available on the SKMCH & RC website. The form requires a three-hundred (300) word abstract describing the research; including objectives, setting, study design, and anticipated duration of stay/work at SKM.
  • In addition, protocol synopsis and related documents such as consent forms, case report forms etc. should be submitted at least five (5) months before the research deadline to allow adequate time for approvals.
  1. Once the clinical research office receives the abstract and protocol synopsis, these will be placed on an internal list of projects. The list is for consultants, and other SKM staff to view and select projects for supervision. If the project is selected, the student will be informed within four weeks. If after four weeks, the project has not been selected, it will be removed from the list, and the student will be informed that the project was not accepted.
  2. The project supervisor will assist the student in satisfying the requirements of the Research Guidelines at SKMCH & RC, and in assigning role and responsibilities to each investigator involved in the study, and accordingly clarifying authorship clauses.
  3. The project must initially be submitted to the Scientific Review Committee (SRC), where the technical and scientific content of the project will be reviewed (refer to Research Guidelines section titled “Ensuring Good Clinical Practices”).
  4. If the research involves humans (including surveys or interviews), the researcher must obtain official approval from the hospital’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), please refer to Research Guidelines section titled “Ensuring Good Clinical Practices” for further details. Postgraduate students are required to pay an IRB processing fee of Rs.3, 000.
  5. The SRC and IRB process for each protocol is slightly different (dependent on ethical issues inherent to research methodology, subject population, research question, etc.) and may take around three months for final approval, provided no major changes are necessary. Clarification and revisions to original submissions are common and are handled as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  6. Understanding the issues and receiving proper guidance and supervision in the crafting of both the research study and the ethical protocol can minimize turn-around time.
  7. Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. It is expected that decisions will be made within three months, following receipt of the proposal.
  8. Written approval from the SRC and IRB will be sent to the medical director (MD), and the student may commence the project once he/she has received an official approval letter from the research office.

In addition to the information below you must send an official college transcript and one letter of recommendation from your college supervisor addressed to:

Clinical Research Administrator

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre

7 – A, Block R – 3, Muhammad Ali Johar Town, Lahore

Tel: +92 (0)42 35905000 Ext.4280/4286

Fax: +92 (0)42 35945209

E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]

Personal Information

Last Name

First Name

Date of Birth


Degree Title

Year of Graduation

Institutional Supervisor, Designation

Contact Information


Telephone Number


Abstract (300 words maximum)

The following subheadings have been provided; you may use these or alternatively submit an abstract which includes this information.






Study Design / Analysis

Expected duration of stay/work at SKMCH&RC